The latter has decided to venture alone into one of the old ruins. Players awake near a river in Italy, assisted by two companions: Karen and Al. These skills wind up being minor bonuses, with the speed boost often being better. Finally, amnesiacs can take more hits before perishing. Fugitives move faster and more easily traverse obstacles. Soldiers are armed with a powerful handgun, but it will become useless once the single clip is expended. Archeologists have training in ancient cultures, allowing special dialogue choices. The four backgrounds of archeologist, soldier, fugitive, and amnesiac act similar to classes. Players start by creating their character: selecting gender, skin tone, and background the game is always viewed in the first person so there is no deeper face or body customization. By refocusing the game on earth’s history and mythology, The Forgotten City is easily able to differentiate itself from the mod. Other races of Tamriel have been changed to historic cultures like Greek, Batavi, Britanni, and Egyptian.

Most notably, Imperial Cyrodiil characters are adjusted directly into Romans. Those that played the original may have bouts of deja vu: people, locations, and story beats are remixed into real-world variants. The Forgotten City began as a highly popular fan mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Forgotten City is a time travel adventure game developed by Modern Storyteller and published by Dear Villagers.